Tuesday, 26 May 2009

World Press Photo 2009

Check out the award interviews, the stories behind the photographs

See if/when the exhibition hits your town or region : calendar

"Anthony Suau (USA) wins premier award. The international jury of the 52nd annual World Press Photo Contest have selected a black-and-white image by American photographer Anthony Suau as World Press Photo of the Year 2008.

The picture shows an armed officer of the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Department moving through a home in Cleveland, Ohio, following eviction as a result of mortgage foreclosure. Officers have to ensure that the house is clear of weapons, and that the residents have moved out. The winning photograph, taken in March 2008, is part of a story commissioned by Time magazine. The story as a whole won Second Prize in the Daily Life category of the contest".

List of all winners : View the complete list of 2009 contest winners.

More on the website

Tim Hetherington made the World Press Photo of the Year 2007.

World Press Photo of the Year since 1955

World Press Photo's mission is to encourage high professional standards in photojournalism and to promote a free and unrestricted exchange of information.

The contest is open to all professional press photographers. There is no entry fee. Entry forms for the contest come out in October.

Friday, 22 May 2009

Discovery Award - The Rencontres d'Arles Awards 2009

The 40th edition of Rencontres d’Arles : 60 expositions from 7 July to 13 September 2009. Festival opening week for professionals and the press, from 6 to 12 July.

With guest curator Nan Goldin

A festival that includes photo workshops, portfolio reviews, a seminar 'The Artistic Status of Photography', a symposium 'Talking about Photographers - Ruptures' and much more. (It really makes me want to go to the south of France).

"The Rencontres d'Arles Discovery Award goes to a photographer or an artist making use of photography whose work has been recently discovered internationally or deserves to be. The winner is chosen by a vote of photography professionals present in Arles during opening week and receives 25,000 €."

Winner of the Discovery Award 2008 : Pieter Hugo

The Contemporary Book Award goes to the best photographer’s project book published between 1st June 2007 and 31st May 2008. The grant award is 8,000 €.

Winner of the Contemporary Book Award 2008 : Strange and Singular by Michael Abrams, Loosestrife Editions, 2007.

The Historical Book Award goes to the best thematic or monographic publication published between 1st June 2007 and 31st May 2008. The grant award is 8,000 €.

Winner of the Historical Book Award 2008 : Nein Onkel, Archive of Modern Conflict, 2007.

Historical Book Award 2008 – special award of the jury : Le vocabulaire technique de la photographie, book to wich several authors have contributed under the supervision of Anne Cartier Bresson , 2008.

More on the website

The Rencontres d'Arles Awards are an opportunity to discover new talents at the Rencontres d'Arles since 2002. Three Awards, will be featured all summer long in Arles and the prizes will be awarded on Saturday 11 July 2009 during the festival's opening week.

Robert Gardner Fellowship in Photography

The Robert Gardner Fellowship in Photography funds an “established practitioner of the photographic arts to create and subsequently publish through the Peabody Museum a major book of photographs on the human condition anywhere in the world.”

The same body of work may also be featured in a photographic exhibition at the Peabody Museum.

The Fellowship committee invites nominations from a rotating panel of curators, educators, and independent photo professionals from around the world; nominees are reviewed and selected by a committee of three. The Fellowship provides a generous stipend and is unique in its dedication to funding professional documentary photography.

More on the website

Past and Current Fellows

2009 Alessandra Sanguinetti, U.S.
2008 Dayanita Singh, India
2007 Guy Tillim, South Africa

Google Photography Prize for students

The Google Photography Prize 2009 is a global competition for students to create themes for iGoogle. Run in collaboration with the Saatchi Gallery London, the Google Photography Prize is open to students across the world.

The shortlist: 36 shortlisted entries will be turned into iGoogle themes, shown on Google and put to public vote.
The finalists: 6 finalists will be exhibited at the Saatchi Gallery London, and reviewed by our independent jury.
The winner: 1 winner will receive a £5,000 ($7500 USD) bursary and an invite to spend a day with Martin Parr.

Deadline : 31 May

More on the website

2/5 We rightfully received a comment/warning to check out and be aware of the rights.

22/5 The rights have been widely discussed, also on Flickr with a reaction from (judge) Martin Parr.... : Read more.

"On May 16th 2009, we made an update to the Terms & Conditions for the contest, based on feedback we got about Section 13 entitled 'Intellectual Property Rights'. We revised this in favour of entrants, to clarify that we will use the photographs in the entry only for the iGoogle product and our marketing of it. This was always our intention, but hopefully the new wording makes it crystal clear. We have notified everybody who had entered the contest under the old T&Cs of this change".

Winner : Daniel Halasz, Hungary

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Tremplin photo de l'EMI-CFD

Prix international de photojournalisme

Les dates d'ouverture des candidatures sont du 31 mars au 31 mai 2009.

La dotation. Le prix comprend une formation de 6 mois au photojournalisme à l'EMI, un équipement numérique Nikon complet offert par Objectif Bastille, une exposition à la Maison des photographes organisée par FreeLens, une parution dans Réponses photo et un parrainage d’un an par l’ANI. La remise du prix se fait à Paris en présence de la presse et des professionnels de l’image. Valeur globale du prix : 18 500 euros.

Le Tremplin Photo de l’EMI est attribué sur présentation d'un dossier constitué des documents et des travaux énoncés à l'article 5, à un(e) photographe francophone sans aucune condition de nationalité, désireux(se) de professionnaliser sa pratique en tant que photojournaliste.

Lauréat de l’édition 2008 : Hughes Léglise-Bataille
Lauréat de l’édition 2007 : Pierre Morel

Plus d'info sur la site web

Dans un contexte général difficile, où le métier de photojournaliste en pleine mutation tend vers une nécessaire diversification des compétences, le Tremplin photo s’engage aux côtés des jeunes photographes. En créant ce prix, les partenaires ont souhaité offrir à un(e) photographe les moyens de répondre à cinq des exigences du métier : être sérieusement préparé aux techniques et aux arcanes du métier, posséder un bon équipement, pouvoir montrer ses images, les publier et se confronter à l’avis des professionnels.

Friday, 15 May 2009

National Geographic Magazine Grant

PDN brought us the news that Alessandra Sanguinetti is this year’s winner of the National Geographic Magazine Grant for Photography.

Wonderful, fascinating photography! As the news and her portfolio is not yet flagged on the NGM's website, see her work on Magnum's website. Yes, she is a nominee since 2007.

Any professional photographer whose primary source of income is his or her photography is eligible. Applications will be accepted from Nov. 1, 2008, through Feb. 15, 2009. The application process will require a written statement outlining a proposed or current project and examples of the applicant's photography. The work presented should demonstrate an ability to competently photograph the project being undertaken or proposed.

Grant for photography $ 50,000.
"We will be looking for a photographic project that improves our understanding and appreciation of the unique world in which we live”, said David Griffin.

Read all on the website and download the rules and application

Winner 2008 : Jonas Bendiksen, who is documenting the population explosion in Chongqing, a city in western China. View his portfolio.

Winner 2007 : Eugene Richards, has covered people profoundly affected by the conflict in Iraq. See portfolio.

Terry O'Neill Award

A new competition for contemporary photography

Prizes from £ 3.000 - 500
A selection of the top 10 photographers' work will be published in magazines

Entry fee £ 8 per picture. Deadline 31 July 2009

(I find rule 8 "the reasonable efforts" a bit odd. Also rule 14 remarkable : "Shortlisted photographers are responsible for the making, framing and delivery of their work to the Getty Images Gallery for exhibition on Friday 11th or Saturday 12th September and collection Monday 21st" + insurance could be costly... Notice rule 15 too : a percentage (how much?) of sales will go to IPG).

Read more on the website

The competition forms a showcase for both established and new photographers, providing valuable exposure of their work and a prestigious opportunity to enhance their careers. The award, an important addition to the cultural calendar, celebrates the diversity of talent working in the photographic medium today.

Sunday, 10 May 2009

Center Project Competition 2009

First Prize 2009 : Cori Chandler-Pepelnjak, St. Louis Park, MN; JoJo

The competitions are open to all photographers, national and international, except Center employees, board members, advisory council members and contest sponsors.

"All contestants stand to benefit from the submission process by having their work seen even if they do not win. Often judges will show interest in work that is not selected for the awards but that may be relevant for other purposes; we provide contact information of those photographers to the jurors along with the top 25 finalists".


Jurors' choice
Michael Christopher Brown, Brooklyn, NY; Journey to Sakhalin
Lucia Ganieva, Amersfoort, Netherlands; Factory
Jarrett Murphy, Batesville, AR; The Ecotone

Director's choice
Mark Menjivar, San Antonio, TX; You Are What You Eat

Honorable mention
Damion Berger, New York, NY; R.S.V.P - The End Of Opulence
Brian Ulrich, Chicago, IL; Dark Stores, Ghost Boxes and Dead Malls
Peter van Agtmael, Bethesda, MD; American Wars

Previous winners

1st Prize: Hiroshi Watanabe, Ideology in Paradise
Jurors' Choice: Walter Astrada, Femicide in Guatemala
Jurors' Choice: Dean Hollowood, Still Closer
Jurors' Choice: Marvi Lacar, Rescue and Rehabilitatioin of Girls Escaping Circumcision and Early Marriage
All 2008 award recipients
2007 1st Prize : Carol Golemboski, Juror's Choice : Whitney Hubbs, Doug Keyes, Birthe Piontek
2006 1st Prize : Julie Blackmon, Jurors' Choice : Tracey Baran, Jessica Dimmock, Adam Nadel
2005 1st Prize : Dave Anderson, Juror's Choice Awards : Susan Bank, Jessica Todd Harper, Yana Payusova
2004 1st Prize : Maggie Taylor, Juror's Choice Awards : John Trotter, Larry McNeil, Desireé Holman,
2003 1st Prize : Bill Hogan, 2nd Tony Hooker, 3rd Rob Finch
2002 Steve Davis
2001 Osamu James Nakagawa
2000 Ross Van Horn
1999 Beth Yarnelle Edward
1998 Laurent Mille
1997 Lori Grinker
1995 Bart Michiels

About Center

Center is a nonprofit organization that honors, supports and provides opportunity for gifted and committed photographers, working on long-term documentary projects and fine-art series.

Center Santa Fe Prize for Photography

Announcing the 2009 winner : Hiroyo Kaneko, San Francisco, CA; Sentimental Education

The award process is by nomination only; photographers cannot apply independently. The prize includes $5,000 and participation in Review Santa Fe; online exhibition and more.

Juror statement : "I’ve been looking at the 120 or so entries for the Santa Fe Prize of Photography on and off for three weeks now. I’ve really enjoyed the range of work, and the sense of new agendas and definitions of photographic projects coming in to play in what feels very much like a new social era. More than any other year that I have been judging contemporary photography competitions, there’s a welcome rise in the number of nominated photographers engaging with our big social and political issues, looking out in to the world for the stories of who and what we are". Read all

Previous winners
2007 : Leigh Anne Langwell
2006 : Sheila Pree Bright
2005 : Eirik Johnson
2004 : Byron Wolfe
2003 : Alec Soth

Read more on the website

The bi-ennial Santa Fe Prize for Photography recognizes and rewards a gifted and committed photographer who has completed, or is near completion of, a meaningful body of work. This prize is to bring new work to light and by awarding an under-recognized talent.

Saturday, 9 May 2009

International Color Awards

Yearly, for professionals and amateurs

Call for entries. Several categories, entry fees and deadlines.
Final submission date : 31 July

The website has been redesigned, but the gallery is to date still under construction.

Masters Cup
$16,000 prize money
Rising Star Award
Creative Excellence Prize
Published in World Photographic Arts Magazine
On show at the Winners Gallery
International press + exposure

More on the website

Previous winners : Georgina Cranston and ...

The Photography Master Cup is a global online awards show recognizing excellence in color photography. This celebrated event shines a spotlight on the finest professional and non-professional photographers and is presented by International Color Awards.

Friday, 8 May 2009

Hasselblad Award 2009

Robert Adams - The 2009 Hasselblad Award Winner

American photographer Robert Adams from Astoria, Oregon, has been selected as the 29th winner of the Hasselblad Foundation International Award in Photography. The award was presented to Robert Adams at a press conference at Fraenkel Gallery in San Francisco on April 14, 2009. He received the prize from the Honorable Barbro Osher, Consul General, Consulate General of Sweden, San Francisco. The award sum was SEK 500,000. An exhibition of the award winner’s work, Robert Adams – 2009 Hasselblad Award Winner, will open at the Hasselblad Center, Göteborg Art Museum on November 6, 2009.

See Robert Adams gallery
For those of you that follow the Hasselblad Awards : the ceremony is upcoming. I'm a dedicated follower and sorry not to have an invitation for the seminar and ceremony. (So, I just have to do my usual thing and visit the Center in December to see the work of the Award winner). Don't miss out on the video that will be made available shortly. Unfortunately last year's video from the Award Ceremony for Nan Goldin is no longer available.
Events in association with the Hasselblad International Award in Photography 2008
The Hasselblad Foundation International Award in Photography for 2008 has been made to Graciela Iturbide from Mexico City.
The Foundation’s citation:
Graciela Iturbide is considered one of the most important and influential Latin American photographers of the past four decades. Her photography is of the highest visual strength and beauty. Graciela Iturbide has developed a photographic style based on her strong interest in culture, ritual and everyday life in her native Mexico and other countries. Iturbide has extended the concept of documentary photography, to explore the relationships between man and nature, the individual and the cultural, the real and the psychological. She continues to inspire a younger generation of photographers in Latin America and beyond.
More information on the website

Hasselblad awards
Yearly. The Hasselblad award is granted to “a photographer recognized for major achievements”.Today the award comprises the sum of SEK 500,000, a gold medal and a diploma. In conjunction with the award ceremony, an exhibition of the work of the award winner opens at the Hasselblad Center.
Winner 2007 : Nan Goldin
The Award Ceremony video (10 November - Gothenburg) including a part where Nan Goldin is commenting a film about her work = no longer online. What a pity, it was a good one...

M.I.L.K. Photographic competition 2009

ARCHIVED M.I.L.K. Collection 2
Ten years after the original M.I.L.K. Competition a brand new competition was launched in August 2008.  Fresh 'M.I.L.K.' was a US$125,000 online competition that challenged photographers to capture spontaneous and emotive moments shared between friends, families and lovers around the world. After receiving nearly 35,000 entries from photographers in 112 countries, 150 extraordinary images from around the world, again chosen by Elliott Erwitt, continue to celebrate our moments of intimacy, laughter and kinship. 
Friendship, Family, Love & Laughter was published in November 2009. The book includes the 150 winning images from the Fresh M.I.L.K. competition selected by Elliott Erwitt, and an introduction by M.I.L.K. creator Geoff Blackwell and retails for US$50.00 (or local currency equivalent)..

And the lucky / well deserved winner is : Victoria Vaisvilaite Skirutiene, from Lithuania.
Comment from chief judge Elliott Erwitt : “A US$50,000 award is a real responsibility. I looked over the pictures again and again. I kept whittling down the candidates to about ten, then I chose the three that speak to me personally, and finally I chose the one among them that is the best and most dynamic picture.”
See all the love and laughter winning photos : winners gallery

A competition that fits well in the month December - M.I.L.K., Moments of Intimacy, Laughter and Kinship :
"A new competition founded on the themes of friends, families, lovers and laughter to create a new collection of 150 images. The 150 winning images will be published in a new book entitled Fresh M.I.L.K.: Friends, Families, Lovers & Laughter in Fall 2009, and on selected licensed products".
The total prize pool is US$125,000 made up as follows:

One Grand Prize winner will receive US$50,000;
All 150 winners, including the Grand Prize winner, will receive US$500 for each winning image.

Deadline : 31 December 2008 >> Extended to 28 February 2009. Winners will be contacted individually and announced in April.

Visit the website and read the terms and conditions

Pulitzer Prize Feature Photography

Pulitzer Prize Feature Photography : 1968 - present

.For a distinguished example of feature photography in black and white or color, which may consist of a photograph or photographs, a sequence or an album, in print or online or both, Ten thousand dollars ($10,000).

Journalism entries must be submitted on or before February 1 to cover work in the previous calendar year.
Entries for journalism awards may be made by any individual based on material coming from a text-based United States newspaper or news site that publishes at least weekly during the calendar year and that adheres to the highest journalistic principles. In the two photo categories, the entries must be still photographs that have appeared online or in print.


Winners   Photography (1942-1967), Spot News Photography (1968-1999), Breaking News Photography (2000-present) and Feature Photography (1968-present) :

2011 : Barbara Davidson of the Los Angeles Times. For her intimate story of innocent victims trapped in the city’s crossfire of deadly gang violence.

2010 : Craig F. Walker of The Denver Post for his intimate portrait of a teenager who joins the Army at the height of insurgent violence in Iraq, poignantly searching for meaning and manhood.

2009 : Damon Winter of The New York Times for his memorable array of pictures deftly capturing multiple facets of Barack Obama’s presidential campaign.

2008 : Preston Gannaway of the Concord (N.H.) Monitor for her intimate chronicle of a family coping with a parent's terminal illness

2007 : Renée C. Byer : of The Sacramento Bee for her intimate portrayal of a single mother and her young son as he loses his battle with cancer.

2006 : Todd Heisler of Rocky Mountain News, Denver, Colorado, for his haunting, behind-the-scenes look at funerals for Colorado Marines who return from Iraq in caskets.

2005 : Deanne Fitzmaurice of San Francisco Chronicle for her sensitive photo essay on an Oakland hospital's effort to mend an Iraqi boy nearly killed by an explosion.

2004 : Carolyn Cole of Los Angeles Times for her cohesive, behind-the-scenes look at the effects of civil war in Liberia, with special attention to innocent citizens caught in the conflict.

2003 : Don Bartletti of Los Angeles Times for his memorable portrayal of how undocumented Central American youths, often facing deadly danger, travel north to the United States.

2002 : The New York Times Staff for its photographs chronicling the pain and the perseverance of people enduring protracted conflict in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

2001 : Matt Rainey of The Star-Ledger, Newark, N.J., for his emotional photographs that illustrate the care and recovery of two students critically burned in a dormitory fire at Seton Hall University.

2000 :  Carol Guzy, Michael Williamson and Lucian Perkins of The Washington Post for their intimate and poignant images depicting the plight of the Kosovo refugees.