More significant improvements on the websites. Note the new foundation website, with better linking and explanations...
And of course the new mission statement :
- Honor Master PhotographersThe Lucie foundation website
- Discover* and Cultivate** Emerging Talent
- Celebrate the Appreciation of Photography Worldwide
* my old questions remains : is Lucie discovering or announcing (IPA) talents and is Lucie co-organising IPA?
** new Lucie mentor, scholarship and portfolio programs
Further I would like to flag : "In April 2009, we will introduce the inaugural Month of Photography Los Angeles (MOPLA)". Interesting, but what does this mean? Lucie advertises or (co-)funds MOPLA?
Last flag : IPA ~ int'l photography awards ~ 2009 is now accepting entries.
"The Lucie Scholarship Program will accept applications and submission starting late January 2009. This program is designed to assist a photographer in completing a long-term project with the goal to present the work in publication and exhibition format. This program is currently in design and will be launched shortly".
24/01/09 + 23/02/09 + 27/03/09
I just checked the website but there are no annoucements yet with regard to "The Lucie Scholarship Program". So there's nothing to submit yet.
22/03/09 : Just learned from the Mopla website that the Lucie foundation organises Mopla.
Month of photography events
Also I noticed the below. How odd that they keep insisting on being the "Oscar" equivalent. I refer to my old remarks about this.


1 comment:
In 2005 I was selected as the "winner" in the non-professional fine arts category. While the award ceremony was well done, there was virtually no promotion of winners. A book is published each year but for 2005 it was 2nd rate at best with limited distribution - it is primarily intended for sale to entrants. My opinion - the whole discovery of new talent shtick is really the fleecing of new talent. There are much better venues that actually promote emerging talent.
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