I received an email with more information about the ECB award from Prof. Claudio Hills :
"The ECB currently awards €10,000 for first prize, €6,000 for second prize, and €4,000 for third prize. The seven remaining finalists to have taken part in the exhibition, catalogue and internet site will also receive a lump sum of €1,000.
The catalogue is distributed by 2 partners: schaden.com, Germany and Fotohof Edition, Austria
The next exhibition and price ceremony takes place in Frankfurt at the ECB on the 24th of November.
About the ECB Award of next year still a decision has to be made by the ECB."
More information and an updated catalogue (PDF) with the photos are available on the website.
The European Central Bank (ECB) invited photographers to present their vision of Europe today and asked 27 country curators to each nominate three photographic works dealing with that subject. The submitted photographs were assessed by an international jury of experts.27/09/08
We are confident that the photographs will help to further understanding of contemporary Europe and -by adding fresh perspectives- raise awareness of the richness and diversity of Europe's countries and peoples.
Yesterday at Photokina I saw the work of ten short listed candidates :
1st prize - Lucia Nimcová - “Unofficial”
2nd prize - Wytske van Keulen - “Andzelika”
3rd prize - Raphaël Dallaporta -“Domestic Slavery”
Kathrin Kur, Friso Keuris, Weronika Łodzińska-Duda /Andrzej Kramarz, Melanie Friend, Vera Weisgerber, Vesselina Nikolaeva, Jens Olof Lasthein.

Photokina - Exhibition | ECB Annual Photography Award 2008. photo : Judith den Hollander
2009 winners : Nicu Ilfoveanu Iosif Király Dragoş Lumpan Tudor Prisăcariu Bogdan Croitoru Radu Constantin Ilea Silviu Gheţie Ioana Cîrlig Carmen Obreja Ufó Zoltán Egyed
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